Bonnie L. Schoenfelder Moving to the music can be a great activity for people who like to dance and also for people who do not think that they can dance. By following simple patterns set to the music, a beginner can master a new dance in one short lesson. While having a sense of rhythm…
SPA Celebrated Halloween with a Party, Music, and Dancing
Swimmers Celebrate Personal Bests and Team Spirit at Ron Johnson Memorial State Meet
Fit Fest Is Back!
Paper Crafters Support Senior Village
Clubs & Classes, September 2017
Move your body
Generals, September 2017
Employee appreciation
While the holidays may seem a long way off, now is the time to think about thanking our employees for all that they do for us all year long. In fact, this is one item on your holiday “to do” list that you can check off today! The Employee Appreciation Committee (EAC) for HOA 2…
Religion, September 2017
News from the Institute
The Institute for Judaic Services and Studies is proud to sponsor for the 15th consecutive year High Holy Day services in SaddleBrooke. Leading services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are Rabbi Sanford Seltzer and Cantorial Soloist Sarah Boltt, with accompanist Carolyn Cochran. Members of the community also participate in services through readings, aliyot, blowing…
Clubs & Classes, September 2017
Papercrafters FUN Shop!
Carol Thompson Once again, the SaddleBrooke PaperCrafters held another very creative Fun Shop. In August, 15 members participated in a Card-in-a-Box activity. Each one of us brought a finished card and a kit with supplies to make three others. We exchanged kits, made the cards and came away with three completed new cards! Fun Shops…
Religion, September 2017
New milestone for Resurrection Church
David Stanard Mid-September marks three years since Resurrection Church held its first service in SaddleBrooke. The slightly over 100 attendees that first Sunday has now grown to right at 250 during the peak SaddleBrooke season, and the church long ago moved from one service year-round to two services November through April and one service May…
Clubs & Classes, September 2017
The Republican Women of Pinal County begins new season
Barbara Treick The Republican Women of Pinal County (embracing all SaddleBrooke communities) support and encourage Republican office holders by having them speak at our meetings, by writing to them and making phone calls. We also work to elect those who support the platform of the National Republican Party. Our monthly meetings feature a variety of…