SPA Celebrated Halloween with a Party, Music, and Dancing

Swimmers Celebrate Personal Bests and Team Spirit at Ron Johnson Memorial State Meet

Fit Fest Is Back!

Paper Crafters Support Senior Village

Sputters land on Gilligan’s Island

Verde Sputters on the Minnow at the Gilligan’s Island Revue at the Gaslight Music Hall in Oro Valley

Elaine Stamm The Verde Sputters set sail on the Minnow along with the delightful cast of the Gilligan’s Island Revue on August 3 at the Gaslight Music Hall in Oro Valley. Walter Fritz, husband of new Sputter member Brigitte Fritz, invited the Sputters, and about 20 of us hopped on board. Walter Fritz is multi-talented, and…

Knit Wits news

Carol Chiarello The first Wednesday of each month is our “show and tell.” A good crowd is on hand, even in the summer months, to see what everyone has been working on. Sometimes there is a pattern for a sweater or shawl that multiple people want to make. Members Linda and Glenna chose the same…

Thank you, SaddleBrooke

Troops passing through Tucson International Airport in July 2017 enjoy a travel break at the MLO. Photo by Marleen Miller

D. A. “Bo” Nanna Saddlebrooke Troop Support wishes to thank the SaddleBrooke community for its generosity during our July “Sodas for Soldiers” campaign. Due to your continued support, we collected over 1600 cans and bottles of sodas and Gatorade. In addition, STS received donations of $290 in cash and checks. According to Delicia “Dee” Brunner,…

Woodcarving Demonstration and Carving Show

During the SaddleBrooke Fall Art Show, November 4, 2017, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., The Southwest Woodcarvers will feature some of the best Woodcarvers in southern Arizona, performing carving demonstrations and participating in a Carving Show at the SaddleBrooke Arts and Craft Center. Visitors are welcome to come and see their art and participate…