May FSL Lecture to Feature ‘The Mariachi Miracle’

Calling All Owl Lovers

Boot Prints: Dave Corrigan

Cyclemasters Bike Maintenance and Chili Cook-Off

Driver safety class to be offered by AAA Arizona

Bill Nagy AAA Arizona’s defensive driving class can qualify ages 55 and up for a potential auto insurance discount. Roadwise Driver will be held at the HOA 2 facility in July 2017. The course will be a four-hour workshop that addresses local laws, tips on staying a safer driver and ways to compensate for changes…

This I have learned…

Mary Jo Bellner Swartzberg “There is nothing I wouldn’t do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves; it is not my nature.” Jane Austin I first met Anne at Ohio University; Anne was one of my college roommates. Anne was wonderfully outgoing and friendly and I…

Donations of clothing, linens and personal care products needed

Micki Wilverding Donations of clothing, linens and personal care products are needed for homeless women. Sr. Jose Women’s Shelter located in the homeless corridor in Tucson has a need for the following: adult clothes, twin sheets, blankets (any size), towels and personal care items such as shampoo, shower gel, lotions (regular or travel size) and…