Food donations are ready to be sorted in the new Tri-Community Food Bank warehouse.
Rosemary Douglas
The Tri-Community Food Bank (TCFB) was the recent recipient of 5,900 pounds of non-perishable food items. This windfall was donated by participants in one of the largest 24-hour mountain bike events in the world. The 19th annual 24 Hours in the Old Pueblo, sponsored by Epic Rides, was held Feb. 18 through 22.
Recent construction on the new TCFB warehouse was completed just in the nick of time to accept the donated food. Hundreds of cans and boxes of food are currently being sorted and stored in the new warehouse. The new warehouse has ample space for this donated food, as well as to store multiple large pallets from monthly food deliveries.
Some work is still being done on the warehouse, including the installation of electrical service, lighting, and a thermostatically controlled fan. The warehouse building is directly behind the food bank building and forms a courtyard with the outdoor walk-in cooler and freezer. These improvements have been a great addition and allow our volunteers to provide nutritious meals to our neighbors in need.
We thank our generous donors for supporting our efforts to feed the hungry and for making these upgrades and improvements possible.
The Tri-Community Food Bank is an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation and an Arizona Qualifying Charitable Organization. The mailing address is P.O. Box 38, Mammoth, AZ 85618. The food bank is an all-volunteer organization.