Now Is the Best Time to Volunteer for the Health Fair!

Ron Andrea

Mark your calendar for Saturday, Oct. 14, from 9 a.m. to noon at the MountainView clubhouse. Because of renovation work being done at SaddleBrooke One this fall, the Health Fair will be held only at MountainView this year.

Even though our temperatures are in the triple digits and the Health Fair is months away, now is actually the best time to sign up to volunteer. Why? You may ask. Because we have multiple volunteer teams that are suited for a variety of volunteer interests, and the sooner you sign up, the more likely you can be assigned to the team best suited to you. For example, we have a Traffic Team for those who like to be outdoors and a Greeter Team and Information Team for those who like to meet people as they enter the Health Fair. For those who are physically active, the Set-Up and Take-Down Teams may be a good fit, and for those who prefer to sit, the Survey Team may be just for you.

Volunteers will attend a 90-minute orientation on Sept. 19 at 9 a.m. at the Activity Center so they can learn about the fair and meet their team leaders.

There are many benefits to being a Health Fair volunteer:

1) You get to meet new and interesting people.

2) You only work 90 minutes, so you have the rest of the time to visit vendors.

3) You get a free Health Fair T-shirt!

4) Many of the vendors bring candy and even cookies!

To volunteer, simply email

If volunteering isn’t for you, you’ll still have ample opportunity to meet and consult with a variety of healthcare specialists, including but not limited to vision, pain management, and oncology professionals. You can get a free dermatology screening and glucose, blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, and A1C tests. Continuous care facilities will also be represented.

These are just a few of the many services you will find at the Health Fair.

Hope to see you on Oct. 14 from 9 a.m. to noon! (Don’t forget about the free candy!)