November Was Blanket Month at the Food Bank

Rosemary Douglas

November was Blanket Month at the Tri-Community Food Bank (TCFB). In addition to a Thanksgiving holiday meal and our regular monthly food offering, each family also received a warm, soft, queen-sized blanket. Our families greatly appreciated having a new blanket as the colder months approached. We are very grateful to our generous donors who make it possible to help our clients stay a little warmer this winter.

The Tri-Community Food Bank is an all-volunteer organization. The TCFB is located at 108 Redwood Road in Mammoth. We are open five days a week (Monday through Thursday and Saturday) from 9 a.m. to noon to serve the communities of Oracle, San Manuel, Mammoth, and Dudleyville.

The Tri-Community Food Bank is an IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation and an Arizona Qualifying Charitable Organization. We spend 0% on administration costs and are totally supported by your generous donations. The TCFB also receives food donations from the United Food Bank in Mesa, Ariz.