Shannon Martinell
On May 11 our Happy Trails luncheon was held to bid a summer farewell to our snowbird members. The summer resident putters will also be on a putting hiatus from May until September while the MountainView Golf Course is being renovated. While we will not being holding our weekly putting sessions, we will continue with our luncheons each month to give us an opportunity to socialize and stay on top of Lady Putter news. Members are welcome to bring guests to our luncheons during the summer by adding their names to the subject line on the luncheon registration checks.
During the Happy Trails luncheon, presentations were made for monthly putting awards. The following putters received trophies for their outstanding play during April:
Roadrunner Award (low gross score): Sandy Barney 37
Lou Ann Garvin Tiger Award (low net score): Sandy Barney 28
Hole in Wonder: Estella Hofstetter 9
MountainView Lady Putters will continue to collect Box Tops for Education during the summer months. There is a box top container located for this purpose at the DesertView Library and we encourage all to support this worthy cause.
For any questions about MVLP, feel free to contact Cathy Scott at 520-825-0775 or email her at