Diane Mazzarella
MountainView/Preserve Lady Niners (MPLN) have enjoyed a full schedule of weekly play this summer. Every Tuesday the year-around Niners have held weekly tournaments with good fellowship on the course and at informal breakfasts after play.
The first special event planned for this fall is the Halloween-themed Grab a Gal ‘n Golf Tournament on October 25. The tournament co-chairs, Joyce Sutay and Phyllis Cadden, and their committee have some tricks planned for the participants. Only putts will count in scoring and some holes will feature spooktacular fun. Teams are free to play their own games from tee to green. Lunch, raffle and prizes will follow play.
MPLN members, mark your calendars and think about inviting your non-MPLN putting friends to join you for a real treat! Watch for the registration flyer and sign up as a foursome, twosome or individually by October 14. Costumes and GHIN numbers are not required.
Anyone interested in learning more about MPLN is invited to visit mountainviewniners.com or may call membership chair Rita Smith at 818-9239.