MVLP Founders Day celebration

MLVP January winners: Kay Tomaczek, Judy Tattar, Marcia Munich and Sandy Strack

MLVP January winners: Kay Tomaczek, Judy Tattar, Marcia Munich and Sandy Strack

MVLP Past Presidents: Front row: Nancy Cerny, Sandy Wolfersberger and Shirley Brown; back row: Marijo Lewis, Kim Halper, Pat Wysocki and Marcia Munich

MVLP Past Presidents: Front row: Nancy Cerny, Sandy Wolfersberger and Shirley Brown; back row: Marijo Lewis, Kim Halper, Pat Wysocki and Marcia Munich

MVLP 2014 Annual Hole in Wonder Award: President Stef Modos presents award to winner Sandy Strack

MVLP 2014 Annual Hole in Wonder Award: President Stef Modos presents award to winner Sandy Strack

Shannon Martinell

February 9, 2015, the MountainView Lady Putters held a special luncheon honoring our past presidents. The dining room was a sea of pink, fuschia and red to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Current President Stef Modos introduced those past presidents in attendance – Nancy Cerny No. 2, Dolly Pettet No. 3, Sandy Wolfersberger No. 4, Shirley Brown No. 6, Marijo Lewis No. 7, Kim Halper No. 9, Pat Wysocki No. 10, Marcia Munich No. 11 and No. 12. Missing were Mary Baglien No. 5, Patty Elliott No. 8, Maude Ruffin No. 13 and our beloved founder Lou Ann Garvin who started our organization in 1998. We also still have two of the original 33 members putting with us – Diane Steele and Darlene Pittman.

During the luncheon presentations were made for monthly putting awards. The following putters received trophies for their outstanding play during January:

Roadrunner Award (low gross score): Kay Tomaczek 39.7; Lou Ann Garvin Tiger Award (low net score): Judy Tattar 33.5; Hole in Wonder: Marcia Munich and Sandy Strack 7.

Also at the luncheon our annual award winners for 2014 were announced: Roadrunner Award (low gross score): Ellen Victor 37.8; Lou Ann Garvin Tiger Award (low net score): Susie Arnold 33.7; Hole in Wonder: Sandy Strack 52.

March will be a very busy month for MVLP with several special events to attend. The first will be held on March 2 when we putt with the HOA 1 Sputters at HOA 1 putting green with luncheon included; our Bring a Friend luncheon featuring a fashion show by Chico’s on March 9; and we will be hosting the Quail Creek Putters here at the HOA 2 putting green on March 30. These are all sure to be terrific events.

For any questions about MVLP, feel free to contact Cathy Scott at 520-825-0775 or email her at