April trophy winners: Raye Cobb, Marcia Vernon and Judy Hardy; not pictured, Marijo Lewis and Colleen Merrill
Shannon Martinell
April MVLP awards were presented to members on May 12, 2014. The following putters received trophies for their outstanding play:
Roadrunner Award (low gross score) Raye Cobb with a 40.3; Lou Ann Garvin Tiger Award (low net score) Marcia Vernon with a 31.5; Hole in Wonders Judy Hardy, Marijo Lewis and Colleen Merrill with five each.
The evening of May 12 we participated in Moonlight Madness; one of the most entertaining events we have each year. We bring guests and share a social hour and dinner, then everyone picks up their glow ball for putting under the stars. It’s one event that has putters searching for that special putter guaranteed to sink the glow ball. Participants from previous years always enjoy watching new participants as they learn that a glow ball does not behave in quite the same manner as a regulation golf ball. Laughter was heard all over the green at MountainView as we putted under a magnificent full moon that lit the green so well there were few excuses for not seeing the hole.
The winners from Moonlight Madness were as follows:
First place: Team No. 7 with average team score of 42.25, Kathy and Howard Rambur and Ann and Dave Cristofani
Second place: Team No. 4 with average team score of 42.75, Marijo Lewis and Chris Ellis and Raye and John Cobb
Most Holes-in-One: Team No. 13 with seven, Del Hudson Perfetti, John Perfetti and Marcia Munich
Money Hole No. 6, Sandy Strack and George Scott
The MountainView Lady Putters also collect box tops and labels for education throughout the year. We recently mailed 350 box tops and 350 soup labels to First Avenue Elementary School in San Manuel. A special thanks to Raye Cobb for keeping track of this project.
We will continue our weekly putting sessions on Monday mornings throughout the summer. If you are interested in joining us, please contact our vice president Stef Modos at 468-2499.