Carolyn Whitt

Charlene Leach

Caryl Dowell

Suzan Carter
Eileen J. Snearly
This State Medallion competition is open to all AWGA members. Winners will be determined by their two best low gross nine-hole rounds, or their two best low net nine-hole rounds out of four designated rounds on league day.
The MountainView Preserve Lady Niners (MPLN) have four members who have qualified to compete for the State Medallion. Qualifying for the honor is proof of their golfing skills, and the MPLN membership congratulates these four golfers.
The AGA 2022 State Medallion Tournament is currently scheduled at Oakwood Country Club in Sun Lakes on Friday, Jan. 14, 2022, for nine-hole players.
MPLN nine-hole competitors:
Team 1: Suzan Carter (Gross), Caryl Dowell (Net)
Team 2: Charlene Leach (Gross), Carolyn Whitt (Net)