Charles Schwab sponsors receiving plaque of appreciation, left to right: Chris Boyd (Schwab), Linda Elliott (MPLN President), Joyce Sutay (tournament co-chair), Jeff Shields (Schwab); photo courtesy of Carol Thompson
Diane Mazzarella
MountainView/Preserve Lady Niners (MPLN) kicked off their fall events with the Halloween-themed Grab a Gal ‘n Golf tournament on October 25 at MountainView course. A record 82 members, guests and sponsors participated in the fun event organized by co-chairs, Joyce Sutay and Phyllis Cadden and their committee.
Many participants showed their Halloween spirit with hats, costumes and cart decorations. Foursomes played a scary scramble with only putts counting towards the team scores. Four greens offered wicked challenges with unusual obstacles and equipment.
Following play, participants enjoyed lunch at Halloween-decorated tables in the MountainView Ballroom as well as individual trick or treat bags featuring golf balls and lottery tickets. Lucky raffle winners claimed prizes of gift certificates at many popular shops and restaurants.
Club Pros Mike Jahaske and Ken Steinke presented awards to the top five teams, with prizes ranging from $5 to $20 per person. The tournament also recognized MPLN 2016-2017 sponsors, some of which were able to be away from their businesses for the golf, lunch and presentation of plaques in appreciation of their support.
Anyone interested in learning more about MPLN is invited to visit mountainviewniners.com or may call membership chair Rita Smith at 818-9239.