Move to the Music 2019

This season’s Move to the Music, an exercise program featuring line dance, touched on many kinds of line dances and many kinds of music. In each eight-week series the dancers learned up to ten current and classic line dances. The dances were chosen to expose the dancers to most of the basic steps and sequences used in all beginner line dance events. By the end of the series, the dancers were able to execute enough moves to enable participation in other classes or workshops or at events such as the SaddleBrooke sock hops. The beauty of line dance is that no partner is required.

In every class each dance is taught to two different pieces of music so that the dancers become exposed to the versatility of the dance and learn to sense the rhythm and phrasing of the music. A variety of genre are used, not just country, but also pop, jazz, blues, rock, hip-hop, Latin, Foxtrot, night club and waltz so there is something for everyone.

In this series, the focus is on movement and music. It is important that a moderate aerobic workout is accomplished. Good music makes us want to move our bodies, so we turn on the music and start moving.

Next season’s series (one fall series and one winter series) will have a slight change in format. The class will last for two hours. The first hour will concentrate on basic steps, sequences, easy turns and novice dances. The second hour will become more rigorous with exposure to slightly more challenging steps, sequences, rhythms and turns. The dance level will be beginner-improver. One fee will entitle the participant to choose his or her own level of challenge. Watch this paper for the first sequence beginning in October 2019. For questions, call or text
952-897-0291 or email Bonnie Schoenfelder