M-P couples warming up for kickoff of 2019 January event.
A warm, sunny day greeted the 2019 MountainView-Preserve Couples Golf participants at the MountainView Golf Club on Saturday, January 19. The 2019 season kicked off with 76 golfers on a shotgun start. The format was one Net Better Ball of the men combined with one Net Better Ball of the women.
Flight A
1st Place Tie Denny Dalton, Paul Zapf, Karen and Jim Wilson
and Jackie and Larry Kline, Jacque and Bill Twitty127
3rd Place Sharon and Terry Marchione, Mary and Richard Ribacchi 134
Flight B
1st Place Susan and Steve Becker, Nancy and Jerry Emmons 124
2nd Place Sally and Don Grimm, Gloria and Herb Steele 130
3rd Place Tie Donna and Alan Mansker, Deb and Joseph Sieverding
and Susan and Ed Routzong, Linda and Len Kirklin134
Flight C
1st Place Jenni Long, Pat Dresser, Karen and Steve Worthy 131
2nd Place Lan Nguyen, Bob Maruniak, Sue and Gerry Braun 135
3rd Place Claire and Peter Baragona, Wendy and Ron Flanders 136