Winners two of two: SaddleBrooke winners from left (wearing pink) are Maude Ruffin, Mary Beth Snyder and Carol Ratza. The ladies in blue are the Quail Creek Putters.

Winners one of two: SaddleBrooke winners from left (wearing pink) are Ruth Catalinotto, Roberta Wisniewski and Bonnie Cook. The ladies in blue are the Quail Creek Putters.
Shannon Martinell
November 5, 2014, found 44 MountainView Lady Putters on the road traveling to Green Valley for a putting event hosted by the Quail Creek Putters. This event is always filled to capacity as the Quail Creek Putters are such terrific hostesses. Friendships between putting group members have been formed and everyone looks forward to seeing each other at our semi-annual events which are held in the spring on the MountainView Course and in the fall on the Quail Creek Course.
It was a beautiful fall day and a superb lunch was served in the Quail Creek Clubhouse following the putting. During the luncheon awards were given to MountainView Putters Maude Ruffin, Mary Beth Snyder, Carol Ratza, Ruth Catalinotto, Roberta Wisniewski and Bonnie Cook along with their counterparts from the Quail Creek Putters for a two team first place tie. Other top honors go to MVLP Janet Parker who garnered awards for the Money Hole and most Holes-in-One (five)! Well done, Janet.
Our monthly MVLP luncheon was held on November 10, 2014, with each table beautifully decorated with linens in fall colors and centerpieces of wheat intermixed with yellow and orange mums. Following a delicious lunch the following putters received trophies for their outstanding play during October:
Roadrunner Award (low gross score): Kay Tomaszek with 36.5
Lou Ann Garvin Tiger Award (low net score): Mary Beth Snyder with 31.6
Hole in Wonders:
Six: Mary Beth Snyder, Caroline Johnson, Pat Wells and Ginny Jackson
Five: Diane Steele
Four: Melody Branstrom
The MVLP 2015 Board elected in October was introduced. The 2015 Board consists of President Stef Modos, Vice-President Cathy Scott; Secretary Ann Cristofani; Treasurer Joanne Neuman; Stats/Webmaster Marijo Lewis; Membership Sandy Strack; Special Events Coordinators Marcia Munich and Roberta Wisniewski; Event Advisors Carolyn Johnson and Pat Wells; and Members at Large Diane Steele, Pat Fink, Maralyn Shirk and Vicki Strief.
Looking ahead to 2015, mark your calendars for the MVLP annual registration meeting being held at 9:00 a.m. on January 15 with an orientation meeting for prospective and new members at 8:30 a.m. This is the time when we welcome new and returning members and sign up for committees; all members are encouraged to attend. New putter shirts will be available at the January registration meeting. The shirts have been updated with a new fuchsia color, streamlined logo and comfortable fit. Both short-sleeved shirts and long-sleeved zippered jackets are available.
If you are interested in joining MountainView Lady Putters, we would love to have you. The new member orientation meeting at 8:30 a.m., January 15, is the perfect time to get involved. For any questions, feel free to contact Stef Modos at 468-2499.