Mindfulness = Thankfulness

WOOO gathering for a holiday dinner

Dee Berisha

What is a WOOO (Women On Our Own) woman? Is there a definition of a SaddleBrooke woman who chooses to join Women On Our Own? Well, we know that the one defining rule of membership is that a woman is single and not in a committed relationship. But does that define a WOOO woman? Not even close!

At this very special time of year, songs, movies, TV and streaming shows, advertisements, sporting events, department stores, online shopping, and spiritual gatherings all focus their attention on the celebration of a group that makes up that one significant word—family. That family may look very different from home to home and community to community, but the word itself always means more than one.

For a member of WOOO, the definition of family has probably changed over the years and probably more than once. The life stories of each WOOO woman are as varied as a cross-section of society. What constitutes family for one may be similar to that of another member or polar opposites. But, again, family means more than one.

WOOO women are mindful of life. Women who have made the conscious decision to join Women On Our Own are seeking that family again, having found that their previous experiences of family no longer fit their reality. Death, divorce, breakups, and distance have taken a toll, and because we are an organization of strong women, we are thankful for life’s journey and lessons. We seek not to be just one. We are thankful for WOOO.

Thanksgiving may have found some of us alone, without family near. But a WOOO woman is never without family. This year, our president Charly McInroy hosted a Thanksgiving feast in her home for women of WOOO who could not be with more immediate family that day. WOOO women are mindful and thankful to live in SaddleBrooke and belong to this organization, which hosts many activities and events such as holiday dinners that welcome us all as a member of the family. WOOO women are mindful, and we are thankful.

For more information about WOOO or to request a membership form, contact Charly McInroy at 603-387-0149 or clmarizona@icloud.com. Our dues are $10 per year.