Jay Rosenlof
We are a new club in SaddleBrooke and are focused on connecting woodworkers, cabinet builders, wood turners, and wood hobbyists. We also want to provide woodworking help to our community when folks need to have projects repaired or built. I would like to introduce you to another longtime and enthusiastic woodworker, John Hardin.
John was a lifelong Michigander, growing up and living near Detroit. He graduated from Lawrence Institute of Technology with a degree in architecture and went to work for Ford Motor Company.
During his first 15 years with Ford, he traveled the U.S. and Canada, working with Ford dealerships. He designed new dealerships and assisted existing dealerships with remodels and updates. About mid-career, he began working at Ford Corporate, designing workspaces and remodeling existing office and corporate spaces. He ended his career after 32 years and joined the ranks of the retired folks.
A number of years before he retired, he bought a Fine Woodworking magazine, which sparked his interest in woodworking. Shortly after that, he purchased a DeWalt radial arm saw. That saw was the first tool to the start of his passion! During his working career, he built a woodworking space in his basement and used the tools to build cabinetry and furniture.
In 2000 he and his wife Karin considered building a retirement home in either Prescott or SaddleBrooke. Fortunately, they decided on SaddleBrooke and had their home built with a three-car garage to accommodate his woodwork machinery. John has built many fine woodworking projects, including cabinetry, furniture, and furniture for his church. He continued to upgrade his machinery and add new machines as needed. His collection of machinery would rival any professional cabinet shop. He also has an extensive collection of high-quality hand tools.
As time has passed, John has found a new joy in woodturning. He expanded his interest with classes at the local Wood Craft store. He then decided to take more advanced classes at a large woodturning school in Provo, Utah. He continues to refine his turning skills and try new wood species. He also makes beautiful cutting boards, as well as wooden utensils.
John is one of our new Woodworking Club members who can both build and repair wood projects. Contact him at sb.wood.workers@gmail.com.
The Woodworking Club meets monthly. So, if you are interested or desire more information, contact us at sb.wood.workers@gmail.com.