High Desert Gardening classes start January 29
Vickie Butler and Cindy Blount
High Desert Gardening will be presented in the MountainView Ballroom West, at MountainView Clubhouse, SaddleBrooke on Tuesdays 10:00 a.m. to noon, for six weeks starting January 29, 2019; registration required.
Once again, due to popular demand, your Master Gardeners will be offering a six-week mini course to help residents resolve basic gardening issues along with gaining new information about how to succeed at gardening and proper landscaping in the high desert of SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch. This time the featured lectures will include: The Rose Dude’s Guide to Growing Roses in Torrid Tucson; Basics of Desert Gardening; Getting to know your SaddleBrooke Wildlife; Passive Rainwater Harvesting; Container Gardening and Native Plants for your Landscape.
The cost per person for all six lectures is $50 for materials. The contact for information and registration is Vickie Butler, call 520-444-8293 or email vicintuc@gmail.com. There is limited seating, so you must register in advance. Send your check made out to University of Arizona to Vickie Butler, 37617 S. Mashie Dr., Tucson, AZ 85739. Please include your phone number and email so you can be contacted with additional information and any changes that may occur.