After a long holiday off, we’re all happy to be back enjoying line dancing in SaddleBrooke. This is the Tuesday group of talented intermediate dancers. Yippee!
Dr. Mark Magdanz
There are four classes and one “happy feet” practice session of Line Dance each week with Rebecca this winter. Two Level 1 classes for those who are new to line dance and those who like a relaxed pace. The Level 2/Intermediate class is substantially more vigorous and the dances more complex. All class sizes are limited to ensure the high quality of instruction. With these limited spaces, you must pre-register with Rebecca to attend. No drop-in attendance allowed. As you read this, class will be in its third week of an 11-week series, so you should plan to sign up for a spring class starting in mid-April.
Research says you can live a longer happier life. How? Let’s describe steps you can take to achieve better quality golden years.
1) Vary rhythms within your exercise: Dance! Sway! Move to the beat! Research suggests that music with exercise is better. Adding music to rehabilitation improves outcome. If you want more alternating rhythms with exercise, line dance!
2) Sleep: Your immune system relaxes, reloads and repairs during sleep. Many important wonderful processes take place to recharge your mental and physical batteries.
3) Regular exercise: University of British Columbia research finds that regular exercise actually increases the side of your brain that helps you learn and remember (Hippocampus). Memory, concentration and learning with dance is a proven brain capacity builder. Dancing is much like a new language for the feet and brain.
4) Balance/coordination: Step/movement skills learned in classes provide directional changes supporting inner ear training/desensitization that improves balance.
5) Exercise: Doing a fun activity means you’ll do it more regularly. Dance gives mild to moderate cardio work out and increased strength to muscles and bones.
6) Socialization: In class people meet and make new friends. This is vital to mental health and happiness.
Line Dance is mild to moderate interval training. Dancing produces alternating periods of high intensity work with periods of low intensity recovery. The key to interval training is to continue to increase the intensity of work intervals over the course of several weeks. Each class series starts slower and builds intensity as you improve overall fitness and, always, the best exercise is the one you actually do.
Rebecca gives you the fundamentals of dance for years of dancing enjoyment. This activity allows you to get some exercise, improve your balance and coordination and enjoy new friends. Classes in adult communities must be mindful of physical limitations. Rebecca takes pride in professionally modifying dance components to accommodate an individual’s physical limitations, safety, comfort and development.
Her classes for spring/summer 2019 are accepting reservations and now is the time to place your name on one of the class lists. The next series starts in mid-April. Contact Rebecca Magdanz at linedancin4SB@aol.com or phone 818-2656. Rebecca is a 14+ year full-time SaddleBrooke resident teaching classes about 40 weeks year-round. She’s taught fellow residents in the SaddleBrooke community for
over 12 years.