![Rebecca and Mark take a brief break in Oak Creek Canyon, Sedona during September. It’s back to the dance floor now.](http://quailcreekcrossing.com/zz_sdb/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/39b-223x350.jpg)
Rebecca and Mark take a brief break in Oak Creek Canyon, Sedona during September. It’s back to the dance floor now.
Dr. Mark Magdanz
With summer slipped away except for the temperature, let’s take a moment to update the 2014 fall Line Dance with Rebecca. All three dancing levels have classes starting the week of September 29. With the holidays and event conflicts, the fall classes will be more mobile this fall. Alternate spaces will allow for full 10 lessons for Levels 1 and 2. Continuing this fall is time for practice sessions to benefit all three dance levels for students’ rapid improvement of fitness and dancing skills.
Full, packed and closed are some of the terms appropriate to the fall Level 1 class. There is still a wait list but it is recommended that you reserve for winter 2015 spaces now if you really wish to dance. Why so popular? Fun and exercise. Line dance is one of the top forms of low impact social activity for seniors around the world and Rebecca is a master in teaching the skills. Level 1 Beginner classes are for students new to line dance and those who like easier steps, a relaxed teaching pace and a less strenuous workout. Also some folks just like Monday mornings in their weekly schedule. The winter Level 1/Beginner series will start in mid-January.
Level 2 (Advanced Beginner/Easy Intermediate) dances are a bit more complex and the teaching pace is faster. Sessions are held Monday afternoons and/or Tuesday mornings. If you have some basic skills and fitness, you could find a couple spaces for fall at press time.
Level 3 Intermediate dancing is the most challenging class Rebecca has; it’s a lot of fun, vigorous and mentally challenging on Thursdays.
Student Practice sessions covering all skill levels are continuous year round and function to seal skills and dances into muscle memory. The current schedule is emailed to class participants. Low Impact Line Dancing has been proven to ease the obstacles of aging if done weekly; note, 6000 steps per day are now recommended for knee arthritis prevention. Line Dance classes provide most (and often all) of those steps in each class and practice.
Line Dance benefits include but are not limited to: Lowered blood pressure and cholesterol level; Increased mobility without joint damage; Increased balance control and centering; Increased bone mass and muscle; Aid in efforts to lose weight; Eases levels of depression; Staves off early signs of Alzheimer’s. One dance foundation stated, “We are changing the perception of aging one line dance at a time while adding years to life and life to those years!”
Line Dancing with Rebecca follows sound educational principals and emphasizes lots of fun. To sign up for a 2014 fall season late, or get started planning for January, contact Rebecca Magdanz at [email protected] or phone 818-2656 for locations, cost information and to be placed on one of her reservation/waiting lists. Rebecca is a 10 plus year full time SaddleBrooke resident and teaches year round in both SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch. Rebecca’s classes have included over 200 different dances since she began teaching in SaddleBrooke eight years ago.