Learn to Line Dance for a “Song”

Anne Romeo

When I first came to SaddleBrooke a few years ago, I was looking for an activity that would provide good exercise, challenge my brain, expand my circle of friends, and be lots of fun. I joined the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club and was hooked. Not only were all of my criteria met, the club has exceeded my expectations. Last year, I took responsibility for running the Novice and Novice Plus workshops to share this experience with others. Ask anyone you know who has tried our novice offerings in 2019, our goal is to have lots of fun while we are learning, and we do.

I invite you to come try us out. The first session is free. If you decide to join our club, our dues are only $10 for the entire year. You can come to as many workshops, programs, and social events as you would like all year long. It’s the best bargain in SaddleBrooke.

The best place to start is with our novice workshop. We begin with some easier dances and progress over six to eight weeks to ultimately learn eight dances. Novice is where we teach the basics, including building block steps used in dances across the various levels of classes we offer. As you are learning in novice, you are already building a basis for learning more advanced dances. Our novice workshop is typically held every Wednesday from 8 to 9:30 a.m. in the SaddleBrooke One Vermilion Ballroom. Please access the calendar on our webpage (http://sbldc.weebly.com/) to confirm the schedule for any given week.

Reference our Dance Opportunities page on our website for more information regarding dance workshops and programs offered.

In the novice workshop, we focus on having fun while we are learning. There is a lot of camaraderie in this group with everyone welcoming new members and helping each other. I hope you find this group as much fun as I do.

If you have any questions about joining the SBLDC or the Novice Line Dance workshop, contact Diana Carbone at carboneddlucid1@aol.com. We look forward to seeing you on the dance floor in the very near future!