Lady Niners Invite Men for Ladies Choice Tournament

Wanda Ross

We SaddleBrooke Lady Niners thoroughly enjoy golfing with each other, but sometimes we like to mix it up and golf with men. On April 25 we enjoyed our annual Ladies Choice Tournament. Each Lady Niner invited a gentleman of her choice (who was not her husband or partner) to play with her. The theme of this event was “travel.” Participants wore shirts and/or hats that named a place where they had traveled in the past. Many superb travel locations were represented, including the Baltic Sea countries, London, Galapagos, Hawaii, and, closer to home, Aspen and Sedona.

Seventy golfers played in this event on the Tucson course. It was a wonderful day with perfect golfing weather. We are very fortunate in SaddleBrooke to so often have beautiful weather. The format was a Modified Chapman with teams of two—a lady and a man. This format gave each twosome the chance to shine by alternating shots. Both players hit tee shots, then they played their partner’s second shots. After both players’ second shots, the team selected one ball location to complete the hole. The format involved not only skill, but also strategy in the use of the three possible “assists” from the mulligan packets. This format is truly a partnership.

Congratulations to our winners:

First place: Sharon Mikolitis, Dean Hood, Marcia Munich, and Barry Schwartzberg

Second place: Gloria Franklin, Jerry Hollingsworth, Mary Jo Schwartzberg, and Don Taylor

Third place: Lori Ward, Scott Wilberg, Maria Byers, and Larry White

Fourth place: Stefanie Williams, Doug Reece, Pat Avery, and Jim Bucholz

The tournament was followed by an excellent luncheon, prizes for winners, and a cash raffle that paid seven recipients—more winners! Vicki Long once again created very attractive table decorations with a travel theme.

We Niners are thankful for the hard work by the Tournament Committee: Edie Crall, Mary Leversee, Vicki Long, and Linda Wilberg, with help from executive board members Charlotte James and Cheryl Hays. We are always grateful to Head Golf Pro Jane Chanik and Assistant Golf Pro Molly Fullerton for their excellent partnership with us for all our tournaments. We thank Mike Roddy and Mike Phillips for maintaining the courses in beautiful condition. We also thank the Food and Beverage Department for preparing a wonderful lunch and serving it perfectly. It takes many people working diligently and collaboratively to create these tournaments for us.

SaddleBrooke Lady Niners is a fun, friendly, respectful league of lady golfers who play a 9-hole golf game each Tuesday morning. If you would like to play golf regularly, join the SaddleBrooke Lady Niners. Check us out at New membership applications are available outside the SaddleBrooke Pro Shop in the Posting Room.

We Niners are very appreciative of our event sponsors: Coyote Golf Cars, Desert Life Pharmacy, Golf Cars of Arizona, The Moore Advantage Team, Morris Hall PLLC, and RidgeView Physical Therapy.