Marilyn Anthony
THE JFG Chanukah party was a full house – full of good cheer, good company, good entertainment, and good food. And our first AGM in many years with acknowledgement to all those who volunteer within the JFG and make it the successful group that it is. Thanks to all of you.
The next event will take place at the Vistas Side Room on Feb. 8. We are aiming for a pizza and trivia night but as of press time, no final decision has been made.
The January meeting of the Co-Ed Book Club will deal with The Button Man by Andrew Gross, a novelized account of his own family’s garment business and their dealings with the Jewish mafia in New York. It is being presented and hosted by Phil Abramowitz and Linda Solomon on Jan. 9 at their house, 37323 S Desert Bluff Dr.
Thanks to Hazel Staloff and Rachel Hayden for having the ladies in for coffee in December. The food was superb and super plentiful – you gals really outdid yourselves.
Roseanne Beraznik and Esther Goldberg will be hosting the January coffee on the 28th. Details to follow.
We require hosts for the coffees from April onwards. Please contact Sandy Rosen or her new partner in running the coffees, Ellie Edelman
The JFG would like to thank Joan Chorost for her volunteerism and the work she did helping to run the Ladies Coffees. Joan and her husband have moved out of SaddleBrooke and we wish them both well in their new abode. And naturally our thanks to Ellie for stepping up to help out.
The next men’s luncheon will take place Jan. 17, 2020, at the Catalina Room of the Mesquite Grill (SaddleBrooke TWO) noon to 2 p.m. Speaker will be Sandy McNabb, an expert on the Middle East presenting Salvaging Cairo’s Jewish Heritage.
On this one occasion women are also invited to attend with their significant others. Capacity is limited so it will be first come first serve. Please RSVP to Howard Cohen, or 773-636-3105 (cell).
And the answer to the teaser, “what survived the crash of the Space Shuttle Columbia” is part of Ilan Ramon’s diary.
For more information about the JFG, kindly contact the President, Leslie Nagy,