Marsha Mantykow
Personally, I’m not ready for warmer weather. I could live in jeans and a jacket. But bring on the upcoming spring events at the JFG (Jewish Friendship Group).
Purim Brunch and Carnival: March 15 at 10:45 a.m. Marilyn Anthony and Willy Halpert’s beautiful garden will be the setting for the “carnival.” I’m not going to spoil the fun by giving away too many secrets, but there might be a blindfold involved. The $10 fee per member includes a lovely brunch and adult beverages.
Ladies Coffee: March 20 at 10:30 a.m. Patti Reingold and Barbara Lawton will be co-hosting a morning of nibbles and conversation at Patti’s home. RSVP to Patti by March 14 at We are in need of someone to coordinate these events so we can continue to come together in friendship.
Potluck: Wednesday, March 25, at 5:30 p.m., SaddleBrooke One Activity Center. Our destination, Greece and Spain. No crowded airports or delayed flights. Instead of your passport, bring an appetizer, side dish, entrée, or dessert. Between the talents of our members and the chefs at the HOA, this will be another amazing culinary event. RSVP by March 20 to Hara Lipman at Include “Potluck” as the subject, along with the dish you intend to bring. Anyone interested in helping with setting and cleaning up, please let Hara know when you RSVP.
Second Night of Passover Seder: Sunday, April 13, at 5 p.m., The Vistas, SaddleBrooke One. Please join us for this special evening. This year we are excited to have our past presidents participate in the Seder. The cost is $37 per member and $43 per non-member. This will be another delicious meal with all the traditional favorites. Whether you choose the salmon, brisket, or vegetarian option, no one will leave hungry. RSVP to Sharon Hoff at by March 28.
Men’s Dinners. Gentlemen of the JFG, please mark your calendars for the second Tuesday of the month. RSVP to Steve Rosen at These dinners continue to be a great success and an important way to enjoy a good meal and interesting conversation.
Ladies Coffee: April 30 at 10:30 a.m. Abby Greene and Fleurette Wallach will be co-hosting this event at Abby Greene’s house. RSVP to Fleurette at by April 27.
Book Club. Who doesn’t love a good book? Or enjoy sharing their thoughts with like-minded people? For more information about monthly reads and meetings, please contact Renee Mazin at
Please join us for these events. Being part of an organization that brings people together, helps the community, and builds friendships, all while having fun, is something that enriches our lives. If you’re not a member, we hope you consider joining. Our goal is to continue growing our community. We are a social club, not affiliated with any religious organization. For additional information or questions about these events or the JFG, please reach out to our president Sandy Rosen at