The Jewish Friendship Group (JFG) continues to be active as the weather here in Tucson changes to a more temperate clime.
By the time you read this, the Ladies’ Coffee will have taken place at the home of Eileen Feldgus. Sharon Triester and Willie Reich were also hostesses of this event, and we wish to thank them for hosting. Information about future Ladies’ Coffees will come in the monthly bulletin and direct emails.
The Break Fast following Yom Kippur was a lovely evening with many good friends from both the JFG and the Institute for Judaic Services and Studies (IJSS) who enjoyed a light meal together. We hope that this will start a tradition of doing some events in tandem with the IJSS as a united community.
The October potluck was on Oct. 25, and this was the last one organized by Sherry Marmorstein. These potlucks are one (if not the) most popular event on the JFG calendar, and the board wishes to take this opportunity to thank Sherry for all her work in making these the continuing success that they are. And at the same time, we would love for one of our many members who so enjoy these evenings to step forward to take charge of them. For more information about this position, please contact Marilyn Anthony at
The Book Club was ready to “travel” on Nov. 10 when our reading journey took us to Miami, Chicago, Missoula, New York, France, and Germany. We were tracking down a World War II stolen artwork in Woman on Fire, by Lisa Barr. Book Club was hosted at the home of Sharon Triester and was facilitated by Renee Mazin.
In December, we stay in one place, Amsterdam. We learn about a hidden personal history from World War II and its impact on a family. Book Club members will be notified before each month about times and locations for our gatherings. Hope to see you there. The time and place for the Book Club will be announced in the bulletin.
Please remember that the JFG Chanukah party will take place at a dinner at SaddleBrooke One on Monday, Dec. 19. More details will be announced as we get closer to the party. It is at this time that we collect toys to donate to the Diamond Children’s Center.
The Jewish Friendship Group welcomes anyone interested in identifying with the Jewish Community here in SaddleBrooke. If you have any questions about the group, feel free to contact Marilyn Anthony at or Sue Berman at 520-818-1954.