Jewish Friendship Group news

Marilyn Anthony

Our upcoming event is a Potluck on Saturday, March 30 at the Activity Center, SaddleBrooke One. This event is always overflowing so please RSVP to Sherry Marmorstein,, to hold your spot and confirm with her what dish you will be bringing. All dishes should come with a list of ingredients, please; we don’t want any allergic reactions!

The annual JFG Seder will take place on April 20 in the Vistas Dining Room at SaddleBrooke One and will be led by Carol Gordon, Susan Kravitz and Mark Schwartz. There will be lots of music and it will be most entertaining, no doubt. Do mark your calendars!

The February coffee was hosted by Linda Solomon and Sherry Marmorstein. As has become the norm, the coffee was very well attended and the food super yummy. Our thanks to Linda and Sherry for hosting.

The March coffee is scheduled for Friday, March 22 at 10:30 a.m. at the home of Bette Conn, 37376 S. Desert Star Dr. and co-hosted by Rhoda Kaplan. Please RSVP by March 15 to Bette or Rhoda

The men spent a very enjoyable lunchtime together at the Mesquite Grill in early February. They met for a short discussion and then had lunch together. The turnout was the best so far and all agreed that it was time well spent; after all, there were no wives present!

The next meeting will be held on Friday, October 4, 2019, from noon to 2:00 p.m. at the Catalina Room of the MountainView Mesquite Grill. There will probably be a short discussion period before lunch.

There was a record breaking, almost standing room only, attendance at the Co-Ed book club’s February discussion about The Weight of Ink. Sandy Epstein capably kept a very lively discussion well in hand and we all left with a great deal more knowledge gleaned from this exceptionally well written book. Thanks to whoever nominated this wonderful, even if extraordinarily long, book.

Our March 14 meeting is being held at the home of Roseanne Beraznik, presented by Marilyn Anthony. The book is All the Rivers by Dorit Rabinyan, the story of a complicated love between an Israeli woman and Palestinian man living in New York but returning to their respective homelands.

Kindly RSVP to Roseanne,, by March 11.

Your payment for the 2019 membership fee of $18 per person is due now and should be sent to Laurie Colen 63845 E Orangewood Lane.

For further information about the JFG, please contact our new president, Leslie Nagy, at