Marilyn Anthony
Our August Happy Hour was a full house, and the hors d’oevres were wonderful. Everyone got to touch base with each other, and over 25 people had dinner afterwards at HOA 2. A good time was had by all.
The JFG will be hosting its annual Break Fast after Yom Kippur on Saturday, September 30, at 6:15 p.m. Dinner will be served at 6:45 p.m. It will take place in HOA 1 Coyote Rooms North and South. (Vermilion Room floor is being replaced.)
On the menu are everyone’s favorites: Lox and bagels, sliced tomato and onion, cream cheese and cheese platter, tuna, fresh fruit, omelet station and, if you still have room, chocolate Babka. (Life is short – start with the Babka!)
The price is $29.50 per person for members, and checks should be sent to Laurie Colen at 63845 E Orangewood Lane and must be received by September 23. We hope everyone can join us to celebrate.
Our first potluck of the season will be on November 4 at the HOA 1 Activity Centre. Mark your calendars.
The upcoming Ladies’ Coffee will be on September 12 at 10:30 a.m. and is hosted by Rhonda Somers and Yvette Sabulsky at 39522 S. Winding Trail. RSVP to Yvette at or 215-514-2622 by September 6. To sign up to host a Ladies’ Coffee, please contact Leslie Nagy at
The Co-Ed Book Club has decided on the books for the coming year: Heretics by Padura; Sonora by Assadi; Waking Lions by Gundar-Goshen; The Day of Atonement by Liss; The One Man by Gross; Judas by Oz; All Who Go Do Not Return by Dean; by Shattuck.
Many books and dates have already been spoken for, so if you wish to host, contact Sandy Epstein ASAP! Happy reading to all!
For further information about the JFG, please contact Bill Kaplan at