The packed Vistas Dining Room was very festive for the Chanukah Party. The candles on each table mirrored the lights strung around the room and the excellent food service was accompanied by Carol Gordon playing Chanukah songs on the piano with members singing along. Chef Dave outdid himself with the scrumptious latkes.
Seth Basker, outgoing president, conveyed the JFG’s thanks to outgoing Board Members and introduced the new Co-Presidents Sy Efron and Steve Grabell. Sy Efron thanked the attendees for the table load of toys donated to the Diamond Children’s Center and spoke of his hopes for the coming year of JFG activities. Seth Basker was praised for his hard work and devoted service to the JFG during his term as president.
The party was a great success. People enjoyed the company of so many of their friends, while enjoying the delicious food and a good game of dreidel.
JFG members gathered on Christmas Eve at the Dragon Village Restaurant for the Jewish tradition of a Chinese Christmas meal. We almost filled the entire restaurant. Quiet it wasn’t!
On January 15 the JFG will host a BBQ at the Mesquite Grill. On the menu will be chicken breast, turkey burgers, baked beans, fresh fruit and cookies. And on February 17 we will gather again for a potluck of salads and appetizers with a game of Jewish Trivial Pursuit, aka Jew, who knew?; a team game of everything Jewish.
The Co-ed Book Club discussed A B Yehoshua’s book A Woman in Jerusalem; a book where the only character with a name is a corpse.
Although the book was not universally enjoyed, the discussion brought out the many interesting concepts expressed in it.
The book for February 12 is Museum of Extraordinary Things by Alice Hoffman, hosted by Barbara Levinson. Please RSVP to Barbara by February 9 to [email protected] or 520-818 3058.
NB: the Book Club now meets at noon for socializing and 12:15 p.m. for the book talk.
The January Ladies Coffee was hosted by Sue Daniels and Harriet Rosenberg. For weather reasons attendance was limited to the first 25 ladies who replied and this has become such a popular event, that it was fully booked by mid-December. Thanks to Sue and Harriet for hosting.
The February coffee will take place on February 13 at 10:30 a.m. hosted by Brenda McBride and Linda Rein at the home of Brenda McBride, 38170 S. Mountain Site; 520-825-5348. Please RSVP by February 2 by email to [email protected] (Brenda) or [email protected] (Linda).
For further information about the JFG please contact Steve Grabell at [email protected], 520-825-4159 or Sy Efron at [email protected], 520-825-7047.
Membership dues of $15 per person should be sent to Laurie Colen at 62845 Orangewood Lane.
We count on your support and encourage your regular joining of our activities. Please feel free to make your suggestions known to Steve or Sy in the hopes that we can work together to enhance the nature and meaning of Jewish friendship in the future.