Jewish Friendship Group Bringing People Together

Marsha Mantykow

The Jewish Friendship Group (JFG) has been busy with a full calendar of events to keep everyone connected.

The Spring 2024 Potluck was a huge success. Held in the Activity Center, it was a wonderful opportunity for both new and current members to get together over a delicious variety of our favorite Jewish food. The star attraction was an outstanding brisket, cooked to perfection by our talented SaddleBrooke One chefs from a recipe provided by member Sharon Hoff. With a table laden with many other traditional dishes, from kugel to chopped liver, no one left with an empty stomach. And just to make sure, desserts were abundant. All this wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work of our hostess and organizer Hara Lipman and all our home chefs. Our Fall Potluck is already in the planning stages, so keep checking for updates.

The Passover 2024 Seder was celebrated on the second night of Passover. In attendance were over 50 members and their guests. The evening was a great success. Dinner at the Vistas included traditional holiday fare, because what would a seder be without matzah ball soup, gefilte fish (possibly a new experience for our non-Jewish guests), and four cups of Manischewitz wine? Steve Rosen proved to be the perfect person to lead the seder, with the invaluable help of Sandy Rosen.

The evening would not have been possible without Sharon Hoff tirelessly organizing this wonderful night. Thanks to Eileen Zelmanow and Hara Lipman for volunteering to help set up and clean up. Thank you, Carol Gordon, for your gentle email reminders. These jobs are not for the faint of heart.

Ladies Coffees are always a welcomed event. What better way to spend a morning than having coffee, yummy snacks, and interesting conversation with a group of friends. Our latest meetings were well attended. April’s Coffee was hosted by Arlene Solomon and Lorraine Stillman at Arlene’s home. May’s get-together was hosted by Melanie Einbund and Linda Merritt at Linda’s house.

If you are looking to belong to a warm, welcoming, and inclusive group, the JFG will be a good fit.