It’s a New Generation of Dancing!

Dancers from SaddleBrooke Squares Dance Club traveled to Yuma, Ariz., to attend the annual Yuma Square Dance Festival held on Feb. 16-18, 2024. More than 140 people danced to two well-known and popular callers from California, Buddy Weaver and Ken Bowers. Dancers had a chance to meet up with old friends and make new friends.

You might ask, “Why do these people enjoy this activity so much that they are willing to travel long distances, out of state, and even out of the country to square dance?” The answer is easy: “It’s so much fun!” Square dancing is also considered a low-impact exercise, a great stress reliever, keeps you mentally sharp, and a great way to make new friends. As Buddy Weaver states, “Square dancing has to be the greatest recreational activity in the world, and it is my mission to share it with everybody, everywhere.”

Some years ago, the square dance community adopted the slogan “Live Lively—Square Dance!” Why? “Lively” means full of life and energy, active and outgoing, energetic, animated, spirited, vivacious, enthusiastic, vibrant, exuberant, cheerful, zestful, and exciting. Dancers will tell you that these words describe what square dancing is.

It’s time to erase the old image you might have of square dancing from your school days or TV. Today’s square dancing is done to the best of modern music, including pop, country, rock, disco, gospel, hip-hop, bluegrass, and more! There are a variety of dance steps and exciting new patterns to learn. Best of all, there are new people to meet, friends to make, and events to attend.

You can dance all over the country and all over the world. Square dancing is “friendships set to music.” Square dancing is one of the best-kept secrets in town.

• It’s fun!

• No prior dancing ability is needed!

• It’s an aerobic, weight-bearing, calorie-burning activity!

• It forms lifelong friendships!

• It develops teamwork!

• It increases listening skills!

• It’s economical

• It broadens your social life!

• It’s performed in a healthy, non-smoking/non-drinking environment!

• It’s multi-generational!

To find out how you can join in this amazing activity, visit

Live Lively—Square Dance!