I don’t understand the Bible

Understanding the Bible can be challenging when you try to do it on your own. A group of men come together every Friday morning at 9:00 a.m. to explore and try to better understand the scriptures.

Through study and discussion of the scriptures we try to understand how they applied in the author’s time and how they apply to us.

We meet every Friday morning from 9:00-10:30 a.m. year-round. Those who are interested meet for fellowship and breakfast before the Bible Study at the SaddleBrooke TWO Mesquite Grill at MountainView at 8:00 a.m.

You are welcome whereever you are in your faith journey or whatever your denominational background.

For additional information please contact Dr. Bill Pohhnert at 520-825-7862 or Jay Hansen at 520-271-8542.