Joyce Faulkner, president of Friends of SaddleBrooke Libraries Board of Directors (photo by John Faulkner)
John Faulkner
In our continuing campaign to raise awareness of our great three-library system, this month’s “Spotlight” is on Joyce Faulkner, the current president of Friends of SaddleBrooke Libraries (FSL) Board of Directors.
Joyce’s journey to working with the libraries started shortly after she moved to SaddleBrooke in 2005. She had graduated from South Alberta Institute of Technology with a Library Arts degree and was drawn to our library system because of that background.
In 2006 she joined the FSL Board of Directors as the fundraising chairwoman. Her background as an event coordinator for a large California bank held her in good stead, and she managed all of the fundraising events for that year.
In 2009 she was elected as president of the FSL Board of Directors and held this position for several years. After she left the board, she continued to assist with several fundraising events and community activities.
After a several-year hiatus, Joyce was asked to take on the communications chair on the FSL Board of Directors in 2022. Then in January 2023, she took over her current position as president of FSL Board of Directors.
As the leader of the new, dynamic board, this is Joyce’s vision for 2023 and beyond. To answer the question, “How do you like us now?” she is committed to thanking all of our many donors through a series of “thank-you events.” These events will be for our high-level donors and will be announced in the coming months.
She is also determined to continue to educate the SaddleBrooke community at large about the valuable services FSL provides through the “funding” of our outstanding three-library system. As a member of FSL, you get these benefits:
Since FSL is a 501(c)(3) organization, your annual membership contribution is tax deductible.
Free admission to the highly acclaimed FSL Lecture Series.
Advanced notification of FSL activities.
Monthly highlights of new library materials.
Quarterly list of Book Club books.
Joyce likes to say, “If you enjoy the benefits of our libraries, don’t just register to use the libraries, but complete the circle by joining FSL.” FSL funding is totally dependent on the many donations made by our library patrons. Your FSL membership helps us answer the question, “How do you like us now?”