Image autorisée à Rosamund Young Tate par Rosamund Young
Detail de l’image :
Numéro d’oeuvre : RMN108830
Cote cliché : 07-502043
N° d’inventaire : AM1985-315(8)
Fonds : Dessins
Titre : Icare
Description : de la série : Jazz (Série de 20 planches, 15 doubles pages et 5 pleines pages, 15 doubles pages et 5 pleines pages, 1943-1946)
Auteur : Matisse Henri (1869-1954)
Droits d’auteur : (C) Succession H. Matisse
Crédit photographique : (C) Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Philippe Migeat
Période : 20e siècle, période contemporaine de 1914 à nos jours
Date : ~~July~~ 1946
Technique/Matière : papiers collés
Hauteur : 0.434 m.
Longueur : 0.341 m.
Localisation : Paris, musée national d’Art moderne – Centre Georges Pompidou
Conditions d’utilisation : Nathalie Dioh – Matisse Cut-Outs – 14/4/2014 – Type de facturation : x Achat InternetSupport : Edition de livresTirage : 4001 Ã 10.000Territoire : Monde toutes langues – JPEG – 4000X6000 pixels
© CNAC / Réunion des Musées Nationaux
Dona Ferry
Suzy Strauss and Dona Ferry will be presenting “Henri Matisse, the Cut-Outs,” at the Art Salon on Feb. 19 from 10:30 a.m. to noon in the Topaz Room at the SaddleBrooke TWO Art Center. It will be a follow-up to the early years of Matisse discussion at the Salon in October.
The focus of the presentation and the discussion will be on the last dozen or so years of Matisse’s life when he was too ill to continue his earlier works. He completely reinvented himself and created works with cut-outs that seemed to come alive. He surrounded himself with his creations and was able to change them at will. They were ever-changing as he rearranged the cut-outs to suit his creative mind. He was one of the rare artists who seemed to make lemonade out of lemons.
We will also try our hand at Matisse-inspired creations. We hope to see you there.