Hearing Vibes: Discussion Group for Better Hearing Is Going Hybrid

Jennifer Jefferis

Who We Are

We are SaddleBrooke residents who recognize the need in our community for a caring place of support and education for those currently experiencing hearing loss, or those beginning to research this topic for themselves or a loved one.

What We Do

1) We meet monthly for information sharing and education. Occasionally, a Ph.D. student from the UA Audiology Department is available for questions. The last half hour is open time for one-on-one conversation and information sharing.

2) We submit articles to the SaddleBrooke newspapers covering hearing loss topics, personal testimonials, or announcing upcoming events.

3) We advocate for better technical support in SaddleBrooke facilities for those living with hearing loss.

What We Are Not

Our group is not a referral center, but we do help you with a variety of resources in our community.

When/Where Do We Meet?

We meet the second Friday monthly from 10 to 11 a.m. in SaddleBrooke TWO MountainView Sonoran Room or via Zoom.

Questions or Zoom Information


Jennifer Jefferis at jenjefferis4u@gmail.com or 360-909-6212

Lyle Larson at lllarson72@gmail.com or 360-910-5691

Dick Kroese at dkkroese@wbhsi.net or 520-204-0968