Health Fair volunteers needed

Phyllis Ketring

The SaddleBrooke Health Fair celebrates its 20th anniversary, Saturday morning, October 14. The Planning Committee is already actively seeking volunteers. The Health Fair relies on over 100 – 125 volunteers to serve the 50 exhibitors and over 1000 attendees.

One of the reasons for the high number is that each volunteer works only a 90-minute shift, so they have time to visit exhibits, get flu shots and enjoy the health fair.

Whether you are a regular volunteer or are interested in participating for the first time, Volunteer Coordinator Sally Sample asks that you contact her by email at This early contact will help update the volunteer database to be sure it is complete and accurate. You will be contacted later in the summer or early fall.

The Planning Committee often hears testimonials about how the Health Fair helped someone identify and treat a major health issue. One gentleman met a new cardiologist resulting in a life-saving double bypass that had not been previously diagnosed. Every volunteer makes a difference that could save a life.

If you have a story about how the Health Fair impacted your health, we would like to share your experience. No names will be used and your privacy will be respected. Please email to submit an account. Identify the subject as Health Fair Story.