Dr. Sheftel, underwriter of the Health Fair, and his team prepare to do free skin cancer screenings.
Phyllis Ketring, Publicity Coordinator
SaddleBrooke volunteers and residents have supported the annual Health Fair for 21 years and 2019 will mark the 22nd anniversary of this popular event.
Health Fair 2019 will be Saturday morning, October 12. Over 100 volunteers make it possible for over 1000 residents to meet local healthcare providers, have their annual flu shots and other immunizations, receive free skin cancer screening, free eye and audiology exams and more.
Volunteers are the heartbeat of the fair. If you want to be on the list of volunteers, please email Dave Mersy, Volunteer Coordinator at djmersy@gmail.com. You will be hearing from him later this year.
For the latest Health and Wellness activities, go to sbseniors.org.