Great SaddleBrooke Blood Drive: Let’s Do It Again!

Michael and Laurie Lien

The March blood drive was a wonderful success. We collected 80 units of blood again. Let’s do it again on May 18 at the MountainView ballroom from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fifty-six people have signed up already. We have lots of openings left, which means you should make your appointment now and get the time you want. The Red Cross has been staffing us very well, and as a result, there is very little wait time in chairs. Michael and I have worked very hard to keep our drives as hassle-free as possible. So, come on down and save a life.

As a blood donor, you do something extraordinary with each donation. You give families hope. You give patients courage. And you give those who need it most, life. Donors like you make all the difference. That is why your donation for this drive is more important than ever. The need for blood is constant, and only volunteer donors can fulfill that need for patients in our community. Nationwide, someone needs a unit of blood every 2 to 3 seconds, and most of us will need blood in our lifetime.

To schedule your appointment, please go to or call 800-733-2767. Also, you can start the donation process before leaving home by completing RapidPass online pre-donation and health history questionnaire from your mobile device or Blood Donor app on the day of your appointment. You can save up to 15 minutes. Learn more at We hope to see you all.

Side note: Michael and I have been running the blood drives in SaddleBrooke for over four years. We will be passing the torch to Leslie and Tom Mehalek starting with the May blood drive. I am sure they will do a great job. Please give them all the same support that you extended to us, and thank you all for allowing us to be able to help out in this way.

Blood drives in 2024: May 18, July 20, Sept. 14, and Nov. 9