Giving Thanks

Bill Bengen

At this time of year, we are moved to give thanks for the many reasons we live in SaddleBrooke:

The morning sun rising lazily over the jagged peaks of the Catalinas, bringing warmth to a cool winter morning;

A sleekly muscled mountain lion and her cubs traversing the rugged trails at the base of the mountains;

The flawless azure skies and lily-white puffs of clouds, seemingly just out of reach overhead;

The diverse and wonderful desert plant life, a sea of brilliant blooms and thorny limbs;

The joy and camaraderie of joining friends and neighbors for a drink at one of our vista-gifted restaurants;

The stunning sunsets, turning the mountains into a riot of color;

The thrill of playing our favorite sports in idyllic surroundings;

The spirit of neighborliness, kindness, and caring which permeates SaddleBrooke culture;

A herd of deer leisurely crossing the road in front of a car, as if they owned the place (which they do);

The fearful howling of coyotes on the golf course at midnight, acutely reminding us of the wildness which surrounds us;

The sound of water splashing in the pool as people seek relief from the prodigious summer heat;

The spectacle of a monsoon storm, brandishing crackling spears of lightning, the winds driving torrents of rain almost horizontally;

A pack of nearly-blind javelinas roaming the streets at dusk, searching for their favorite food;

The cultural wealth of Tucson laid at our feet, awaiting our eager pleasure;

The volunteers who man our organization boards and serve their clubs selflessly and with pride;

The vast variety of clubs and activities which assure that no one gets bored, unless they are dead;

The beauty of our facilities and our landscaping, a salve to eye and spirit;

Senior Village, the Golden Goose, SaddleBrooke Community Outreach, and the many other organizations which serve us;

The rare miraculous snowfall which dusts our driveways with a layer of white powder and reminds us of where we may have come from;

The towering saguaro cacti which dot our landscape, living lessons in persistence, patience, and adaptability;

The star-flecked night skies, ablaze with the inscrutable wonders and glories of the universe;

The friendly employees who provide us with many welcome services and keep our community ticking;

For all this, and much more, do we give thanks at this solemn and joyful time of year. May you all have a wonderful holiday season!