Genealogy Club notice

Nora Graf

Irish genealogy research has unique challenges due to destroyed and missing records, multiple jurisdictions and family naming patterns. The McClelland Irish Library in Phoenix has many resources that are available to help you trace your Irish ancestors. Learn why most Irish research starts in the U.S. and how Irish migration patterns can provide clues to your ancestor’s origins. Also, learn what Irish records do still exist and where to find them, including many online sources. Your search for family ancestry may be helped by obituary searches on sites like Genealogy Bank. An example of tracing a family using available Irish resources will be included.

Cindy is currently a genealogist at the McClelland Irish Library in Phoenix’s Irish Cultural Center. She has been doing family history research for over 20 years and had her own genealogy research business prior to working at the library. Cindy completed an 18-month Professional Genealogy program in 2011 and in 2014 she attended Stamford University’s week-long Irish Genealogy Research course. She has a bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems from ASU and previously worked as a computer analyst. She is currently a member the National Genealogical Society, the Association of Professional Genealogists, the Arizona Council of Professional Genealogists and the Family History Society of Arizona where she previously served as the Program Chairperson for the Paradise Valley Chapter for two and a half years. Cindy has given presentations at local genealogy conferences and to various genealogy organizations.

The presentation will be held in the Coyote Room in Clubhouse One on Thursday, December 3, 2015, at 1:00 p.m.