Genealogy Club news

The May meeting featured an interesting presentation by Chris Seggerman, an experienced genealogist from the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records Division. His topic, Newspapers for Research, explained how to use publications to find information about ancestors. Chris suggested looking at death notices, obituaries, marriage notices and other news articles to locate important dates and family information.

Chris talked about how to find newspapers where your ancestors lived and how to determine if there are errors in the articles. He said that many institutions are now providing online access of newspaper collections, including the Library of Congress, which is currently digitizing newspapers.

President Dave Tiefenbach shared an article in honor of all mothers, titled I Owe My Mother. One wise statement was, “My mother taught me logic—because I said so, that’s why.” Another was, “My mother taught me about justice—one day you’ll have kids and I hope they turn out just like you.”

The SaddleBrooke Genealogy Club will hold informal meetings on the first Thursdays of June, July and August in the Coyote Room of the SaddleBrooke HOA 1 Clubhouse at 1:00 p.m. These sessions will be a great opportunity to get personal attention for your genealogical research.

Pat Spencer, treasurer, will collect dues, open the library for member use and be available for genealogy questions. Other experienced members are encouraged to attend and take part in informal discussions. If you have information on your laptop computer that you would like to share please bring it to the sessions. Please notify Pat Spencer if you have a special activity you wish to present. Check website at for meeting announcements, resources and membership information.

All SaddleBrooke residents are invited to attend the meetings and participate in the discussions and question and answer sessions.