Seven of 19 quilts auctioned
Sheri Nockels
The SaddleBrooke Friday Quilters’ biennial quilt auction was a huge success! We anticipated a low turnout due to the wintry weather, but SaddleBrooke residents and guests didn’t disappoint! We filled the Activity Room to capacity and auctioned all 19 quilts in record time. Our quilters put their all into their quilt designs, evidenced by the wide variety of sizes, themes, and quilting techniques. The quilts ranged in size from wall hangings to king-size and ran the gamut from traditional to contemporary. At least one quilt appealed to everyone. The fabrics used truly brought the quilts to life. One was quilted with a beautiful feather design using gold thread. Quilters used a variety of techniques, including an amazing fiber art horse quilt that proved to be quite popular among the bidders. There was an adorable fire truck quilt for the kiddos. The “Ants at a Picnic” quilt even included ants! Other themes included nature, sports, patriotism, Christmas, western, and geometric designs.
Everyone seemed to enjoy kicking off the evening with an appetizer spread and wine. Then the lights dimmed, and the bidding began! Our very own “Vanna White,” Barb Turner, used a flashlight to highlight the intricate details and quilting of each quilt. The first quilt auctioned was a beautiful cardinal wall hanging with very heavy stitching that truly made this quilt a standout. Almost every quilt went for at least double the opening price, if not more.
Many thanks to our quilters who spent thousands of hours making quilts from the heart to support our worthy cause, Senior Village. Several of the auctioned quilts were quilted by winners at the Tucson Quilt Show. A future article will feature their ribbon-worthy quilts.
Due to the huge success of the ticket sales and auction, SaddleBrooke Friday Quilters was able to support one of our favorite charities. President Connie Rank presented Kelli Beasley, development director for Senior Village, with a check for more than $3,000. Kelli graciously accepted the check and expressed her extreme gratitude to everyone involved in making the auction a fun, successful event.