Offerings for the “Blind Wine Tasting and Cheese Event.”
Pat Smith
Once again, the SaddleBrooke Francophiles celebrated the opening of their 2019-20 season of fun, food, and festivities with a “Blind Wine Tasting and Cheese Event,” held at the lovely home of Dave and Mylinda Guillen on Sept. 28. After a brief description of the wine being tasted, members tested their palates to guess what the individual wine was; the six types that were tasted were a chardonnay, Bordeaux, Chianti, garancha, malbec, and tempranillo. Authentic French prizes were presented to the five winners who guessed the most right: Steve and LuAnn Johnson, Barb Sprouls, Dick Snyder, and Carey Picard. There also was an array of cheeses, fruits, breads, and crackers that accompanied the tasting, in addition to the wide variety of dishes members brought to share. A thoroughly enjoyable evening was had by all!
Next on our slate of fun activities was a Halloween party on Oct. 19, where members and guests chose to dress in traditional Halloween costumes or depicted a current or historical French personage. Prizes were given to the most creative costumes, and a variety of games to play were offered for fun.
Here are the upcoming events.
Nov. 16 – We’ll have our annual French progressive dinner. There will be two host homes for hors d’oeuvres and dessert, and several homes will serve the entree portions of this fabulous dinner. This fun event will offer our members the opportunity to show their culinary skills.
Dec. 15 – Our members will enjoy a holiday brunch to celebrate the season,
Jan. 18 – The French Bread/Puff Pastry Extravaganza will focus on creating savory and sweet creations using French bread and puff pastry. It should be delightfully tasty!
Feb. 1 – The SaddleBrooke Francophiles attend the Southern Arizona Arts & Cultural Alliance (SAACA) event at the Tucson Botanical Gardens.
Feb. 15 – We will enjoy a Valentine’s Day-themed chocolate party that will include a French film with English subtitles as an extra added attraction for this delicious evening!
March 11 and April 29 – Once again, Mylinda Guillen will chair our Diners a la Maison.
March 21 – Our first ever Heritage Day will take place.
April 18 – We will conclude our season of events with a scavenger hunt, along with the “Fete du Citron.”
The SaddleBrooke Francophiles offered an authentic French dinner, with all the trimmings, at the Oracle School Foundation Gala on Oct. 20; we were lucky enough to host eight lucky guests for this memorable occasion.
For more information about the SaddleBrooke Francophiles, contact Pat Smith at 520-825-2409. Vive la France!