Collage papers by Deb Kress

Watercolor poppy by Karen Brungardt
Connie Kotke, Publicity Chair
The SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild is a nonprofit organization that provides a wide range of classes to build or enhance the skills of artists at all levels of experience. Classes are held in the air-conditioned Topaz Room in the Arts and Crafts Center at MountainView clubhouse. Learn more about instructors, techniques, fees, and material costs (if applicable) by visiting the Guild’s website at www.saddlebrookefinearts.org. All SaddleBrooke residents and members of the public are invited to attend.
Here are classes starting in July and August:
Digital Art, by Janet Frost. Thursday, July 7, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This class explores different platforms to create and display Digital Art. It includes time for hands-on practice with Adobe Fresco (a free digital art application).
Watercolor Poppies, by Karen Brungardt. Thursday, July 21, from 1 to 4 p.m. Who doesn’t love a red poppy? We’ll paint red poppies in a loose painting style and use some interesting tools to complete the work in this fun class.
Collage, by Deb Kress. Tuesday, Aug. 16, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. We will make our own papers and learn about the methods and products used to adhere them to the background. Make it your own with a daily paper or magazine, parts of a photograph, newspaper clippings, and words.
Hummingbird in Alcohol Ink, by Karen Brungardt. Thursday, Aug. 25, from 1 to 4 p.m. Alcohol inks are quite vibrant and fun to use. You can’t drink them, but you can make a very colorful painting! You’ll learn to paint a hummingbird on special paper.
Membership in the SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild is only $25 per year and includes monthly meetings, open studio, non-critique sessions, opportunities to exhibit and sell your work, and so much more. Guild members enjoy a discount on classes. Space is limited, so register now at www.saddlebrookefinearts.org.