Marv and Jan Wycoff and the Wycoff clan prepare to board the Resurrection Church Easter bus.
David Stanard
At Resurrection Church not all Sundays are created equal. On at least two Sundays out of the year there are no services in SaddleBrooke. That’s because the Vermilion Room at the HOA 1 Clubhouse where the church meets is used for one of several and periodic annual holiday brunches.
Easter is one of those Sundays. So on that day SaddleBrooke attendees went to services at the main campus in Oro Valley. As is always the case in these situations, a bus was provided by the church to take people from SaddleBrooke to the main campus. A number of people took advantage of the bus while others drove on their own.
Including the Sunrise Service, there were five Easter Sunday services at the main campus; however, the bus was timed to tie in with the 9:15 a.m. service. That also seemed to be the service of choice for many of those who drove separately. Then at 11:00 a.m., after the bus had returned, close to 40 attended and sat as a group at the HOA 1 Easter Brunch.
Resurrection Church at SaddleBrooke holds its traditional all-denominational Sunday worship services at 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. in the Vermilion Room at the HOA 1 Clubhouse. Starting as soon as things slow for the summer in SaddleBrooke, the church will return to one service at 10:00 a.m.