Left to right: Jim, Diana and Tom
Ted Belanger
Dressed in colorful Hawaiian attire, 80 members of the CycleMasters Bike Club attended the annual dinner dance on March 28 at the Vistas Dining Room. We were welcomed at the door with a lei greeting and a photo opportunity. The dinner and happy hour and music were fabulous as usual and Joanne Marmon and her committee did a great job!
During the break between dinner and dessert, the award ceremony was held. The awards were given to three special CycleMasters who exhibited the spirit we are known for. The Most improved Cyclist award went to Jim Thome who continues to excel at cycling. The top favorite award of Cyclist of the Year went to Tom Erb, a high mileage, long distance rider who participates in all of the club rides and community services. This was a very deserving selection for all new members to look up to! The third award is the President’s Award which is typically given to a non-riding member of the club who gives unselfishly to promoting the club, helping at special events and assisting at many of the club functions. Diana Luthy was awarded this plaque and applauded by all.
The evening included a 50-50 raffle, operated by Mike Brenny, to benefit Catalina Resource Center. More details on this service project in next month’s article.
We finished the night with great dancing music provided by Lindsay Nichols, a favorite among SaddleBrooke residents.
Come join us! We cycle for fun, fitness and fellowship.