Pictured are John and Bette Mazujian, Pete Hubert, Ron Rivas, Hans Spiecker, Donna and Jim Fisher, Ed and Karen Skaff, Sande Rivas and Margaret Hubert.
Carol Thompson
Each spring and fall season the Community Church at SaddleBrooke (CCSB) members host Patio Parties in their homes. This reporter attended her first at the home of Hans and Jonie Spiecker on Friday, April 17.
“What I enjoy most is the Christian Fellowship, the opportunity to meet new friends and great food,” explains Nancy Klawitter, the party organizer. There are about 10 people at each location; everyone brought an appetizer to share and we all had fun.
Others that graciously opened their homes for this event were Mike and Pat Tarner, Dave and Charlene Firebaugh, Tom and Linda Carr and Ken and Glenna Webster. While many of them hosted new faces in their home, the Tarners included our CCSB website technicians Alec Bagin and his wife, Nadia Bagina, from the Ukraine.
Everyone is welcome in the Community Church at SaddleBrooke. We meet every Sunday from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. in the DesertView Theatre at HOA2. We have lots of new faces joining us for Communion the first Sunday of the month and Cookie Sundays. Check us out for these upcoming activities: Roving Diners, Women’s Bible Study and Men’s Empowerment.
CCSB is a nondenominational group of believers and we would love to welcome you!