Bee a Friend Committee (left to right): Barbara Bloch, Joyce Deutsch, Diann Klousiadis, Sandy Dickmann, EJ Snearly, Sue Wilson, Becky Lima

Two foursomes tied for first place: Back row (left to right): Boni Wertz, Charlene Leach, Joyce Deutsch, EJ Snearly, Debbie Burnett, and Janet Drake; front row (left to right): Melodie Branstrom and Ginger Cannon
EJ Snearly
An event that is held yearly was previously called “Bring a Friend.”
The Bring a Friend Committee decided that “Bee a Friend” would more accurately describe the event. You can “Bring a Friend,” but to “Bee a Friend” is very special.
The MPLN golf league embodies the spirit of being a friend.
The “Bee a Friend” event was held on May 14 with a fun-filled shotgun, scramble golf tournament with “bees” all around.
Photographer Gary Hodges took pictures throughout the event and posted them on the web.
The MPLNers asked family, neighbors, and other golfers to join them for a morning of fun.
The brunch after golf was held in the MountainView ballroom where the four team winners were announced. The raffle winners were given prizes as well.