Are you interested in learning more or sharing your thoughts about social justice topics? Do you want to help educate, advocate, and help victims of social justice issues? The Fellowship for Social Justice is a relatively new community organization created to do just that. We support each other as we discuss and learn about social justice issues and topics. We educate ourselves on how we can be an advocate and look for ways that we can help victims.
Currently, we are planning public forums on topics such as how various forms of bias (i.e., racial, gender, sexual) affect everyone, LGBTQ topics, and immigration reform. Education is always the first step. We plan to expand past educating the public and take action on the social and human injustices which dehumanize people every day.
We meet via Zoom on the third Thursday of every month at 1 p.m. If you would like to attend a meeting, send an email to, or call and leave a message at 520-329-4915.