From left to right: Pastor Steve Wilson, Loren Hawthorne, Steve Willis and Keith Gordon.
Carol Thompson
Community Church at SaddleBrooke (CCSB) had a special collection at our Christmas Eve service last year. CCSB supports many worthwhile missions, and the church members contributed a total of almost $300,000 last year alone. Recently, the CCSB Board approved donating the Christmas Eve collection of $6,000 to the local Wycliffe Center in Catalina.
Wycliffe started back in 1917 selling Bibles in Guatemala. Today, with the help of over 120 volunteers, they translate the Bible into almost 2,000 languages around the world.
The check for $6,000 was presented to Loren Hawthorne, who is Wycliffe’s Associate Director in the Catalina area. The money will be applied toward the Wycliffe retired missionaries’ greatest needs for financial support.
CCSB is a Christ-centered church with the mission to glorify God by becoming a community of grace where people receive, live and share the love of Jesus Christ. Join us at the DesertView Theatre every Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. and especially April 14, Palm Sunday, for our Easter Cantata. All are welcome.