Category: December 2015

Latest news from New Home Sales

November was an incredible month for sales at The Preserve, with a record four sales so far for the month (at time of print)! We have five new move-in ready homes for SaddleBrooke. Ranging from 1,744 sq. ft. to 2,323 sq. ft., move-in ready designer homes make it easy to enjoy living the resort-lifestyle fast!…

Fit and Functional with the TRX

Susan Dawson-Cook Susan is an AFAA certified personal trainer/group exercise instructor and has worked for Vital Moves (850-4089) since 2006. Many people are curious about the new suspension device personal trainers and members are using at the Fitness Center. Others are leery of it; sure this hanging assortment of straps, loops and handles is some…

Save the date!

Joan Elder On Sunday, January 10 at 3:00 p.m. at the Desert View Theater you will have an opportunity to see an amazing film based on a true story. Although sponsored by the Jewish Film Festival, this film has universal appeal and will be inspiring to ALL SaddleBrooke residents. Best of Men, a British drama,…

Intro to line dancing

Want to learn to line dance but afraid to try? Or perhaps you learned line dancing some time ago and your boots have gotten rusty? New Year 2016 is approaching and the Saddlebrooke Line Dance Club is offering an easy way to learn the basics of line dancing, in four simple sessions: Date(s): Four Fridays:…

What do you do Thursday nights?

The Square Dancer Sprites

Rita Fletcher SaddleBrooke Squares Dance Clubbers are all having fun together each Thursday night at 7:00 p.m. walking about 2.3 miles until 8:30 p.m.! But isn’t it dark outside, you ask? Yes! But we are inside either in the MountainView Ballroom at the Chaparral, or the Catalina Community Center, or the Tennis Pavilion, or a…

Costumed canines compete at SaddleBrooke Dog Park

Dan Stebbins Several dozen dogs, their SaddleBrooke owners, and a large crowd of holiday observers celebrated on October 31 with a Halloween costume contest. The event at the SaddleBrooke dog park featured both canines and owners in costumes judged for cuteness, comic appearance, originality and scariness. Winners among both large and small dogs were awarded…

Editorial deadline change for December

Chelsea Johnson The holidays are almost upon us! Since Christmas is so close to the editorial deadline, we are moving it up. Please have all editorials submitted by 4:00 p.m. on December 23 (for the January issue). Be sure to mark your calendars now! If you have any questions about submission guidelines, please call Chelsea…

Shamanism: An ancient practice for today’s world

Ken Emerson Shamanism is a 40,000 year old worldview and set of practices found in every indigenous culture throughout the world. In these cultures, the shaman (sometimes referred to as medicine man/woman, seer, “person who knows”) helps hunters find food or game, manages the weather, provides healing and spiritual guidance and conducts rites of passage.…